Friday, December 9, 2011

What's in a name?

Te Takeretanga  o Kura Hau Po

There has been much discussion over the appropriateness or otherwise of the name of our new Culture and Community centre.  Some of our library users are not happy.  However the library staff are fully committed to the new centre and to the name it will proudly bear.  Gifted to us by the Muaupoko Tribal authority, we feel the meaning of the name is beautiful and fully reflects the ethos of a modern library service.  Horowhenua libraries have long been much more than a public library in the traditional sense.  We know our libraries are regarded by our patrons  as a treasure within the town.  As well as providing the traditional library services people expect ,  our role is also to support  and celebrate our community, to protect and preserve our history and to encourage lifelong learning for everyone. 

Te Takere is the position in the hull of a waka where the treasures belonging to the people travel safely.  What better place to store our community treasures?  Kura hau po signifies  the dispersal and sharing of knowledge in much the same way that steam disperses through the air when water is dripped on a hot element.  So our new name describes not only how we protect our treasures of knowledge and learning, but also how we willingly share them with our community for the benefit of all.

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